
Mendham Style Watch

Tori's white Converse high tops with blue denim
While discussing with my good friend whether or not she should buy a new pair of Chuck Taylor's, she stated, "There are so many high-tops, I guess they must be coming back into style". It took me a beat to fully process my dear friend Sam's musing, but once I did I honestly felt my heart break. Converse NOT being in style? I never thought I would hear those words uttered. I had grown up being laced into All Stars by my mother, she bought me a pair in bright red when I was a mere toddler. I proceeded to always have a pair of Converse during my life wether it be red, purple, light blue, yellow, or black. But my first pair of high tops were something extraordinary. I must have been in second or third grade when my aunt and I got hot pink Converse high tops. They were so perfect and so iconic, they encapsulated my life at that point (before I graduated from Barbie dolls and moved into my pre-teen years where I swore off the color pink for a while). But those amazing, bubblegum hued sneakers represent what Converse is: iconic.

From their start on the basketball court, Chuck Taylor's (named for and by their original creator) were mainly worn as high tops. It wasn't until they became fashion statements that their ankle protection tops weren't needed since basketball players weren't wearing them anymore. But since their start in 1908, Converse shoes hold that special magic that makes the brand legendary. Fashion mavens took ahold of the trend, now Converse teams up with some of the greatest names in fashion to create amazing new styles (remember Missoni's classic zig-zag Converse?). And recently, Alexa Chung confessed in her biography, It, that she loves the feeling of buying new, white high tops and muddying them up just the right amount.

Since my friend observed that there were so many kids (girls and guys, but I unfortunately only photographed girls wearing them) sporting the sneaks, I started looking too. I never had thought twice about them, Converse were everywhere and that's the way it should be. But apparently, not everybody thinks the same way I do. 

I photographed a few of my friends (thank you Brooke, Lizzy, and Tori!) wearing their high tops in a few different ways, which also adds to the shoes appeal. The fact that Converse can be styled with practically anything makes it so easy and fun to try new combos and dress them up or down. I think Converse represents effortless cool, they were the originals of their kind and they own it. 

Lizzy tops her grey high tops with
fuzzy socks and leggings
Tori's black high tops with socks and tights,
underneath a skirt and sweater
Brooke's black high tops with white seams,
paired with black skinny jeans


Hot or Not: Red Lipstick

YouTube's very own, MirandaSings

Poor SJP... not her best look
The ageless and elegant red lipstick has recently been revamped and over used in a more casual daily setting, aka high school. My personal opinion is that let bright red lipstick stay classy and elegant- and where it belongs- by saving it for special occasions, the runway, or a night out when you are one-hundred percent sure you can pull it off. So when I see legging-clad freshmen sporting Ugg boots and a crop top, it makes my gag reflex kick in a little to notice them sporting a painstakingly bright red hue of color on their lips. Their logic? No clue. I'm not sure why some people think that by adding red lipstick you automatically look like a supermodel or something, but that is not the case. And really, I feel for you girls with orthodontic work (knowing from three years of braces hell), but red lipstick smeared on your braces and teeth is not cute... I'm saying all of this with deep love and care, not bitterness FYI.

Paris Hilton & a red lips mishap

I'm sure there is some girl out there in the midwest that nobody's heard of but who can rock red lipstick daily like it was made for her, but realistically and practically speaking... it's a tough trend to pull off and I encourage girls to save it until they are well out of the experimental-makeup stage of life (the teenage years). Not only is red lipstick hard to pull off, if not executed perfectly; teeth will look yellow, red may smear and stain, bold lips + heavy makeup = drag queen, eating with red lipstick is difficult, etc. etc. etc. (essentially, the list goes on and on).

Scarlett Johansson 

Don't get me wrong, red lipstick CAN be elegant, dramatic, and a statement. But where and when you choose to attempt this feat matters very much. So taking all of my red lipstick bitching into consideration, and the beautiful photos of Marilyn Monroe & co. boasting red lips, what do you think about red lipstick? Is it super hot, or totally not? Vote to the right (Fashion Forecast's first poll!) and see if others agree with your opinion!

Marilyn Monroe



Click It- Top Picks of the Web

Check out this edition of my top picks of the web and get clicking!


Layered Love

Like my awkward selfie?
Due to this bitch called a polar vortex that's been sucking the sun out of January (not that there was much of it here to begin with), it's been cold. More than cold, it's been some-parts-of-Alaska-are-warmer-than-here-right-now cold. So, nodding my head to my favorite inspiration drawers from The Man Repeller (which you can visit here), I'm going to break down the layering process on MY Forecast (because the real weather forecasters are pissing me off).

Although I loved Leandra Medine's break down of layering, I'm not going to be convincing you to pair black ankle socks with white Manolo Blahniks even if you really, REALLY want to pull off a Carrie Bradshaw. This is layering for the girls who walk outside day after day in a sweatshirt because that must obviously be warm... and I definitely did not do that once this week and I definitely did not look like an idiot much less freeze my ass off.

So, let's start with the bottoms (because its cold to walk around in your room only wearing underwear and a t-shirt). Obviously due to this weather I would choose some trousers of substance, cough cough NOT leggings. Jeans of any magical hue will do, leather works, corduroys are cozy; you get me? Pick your pants and move on.

Now, this is the part where your blood temperature comes into call. Are you a naturally warm blooded person (LOL because we all are) or are you like me, naturally inclined to shiver even in seventy-five degree weather? If you usually find yourself warm enough just wearing a long sleeve shirt and sweater, then I would tell you to choose a short sleeve anything for this layer. A collar of some sort looks best, however... Have any old short sleeve polos? Now is your opportunity to dust them off and pull 'em on (and don't worry, nobody will see how dorky you actually look because you'll be wearing more layers over the polo). OR.... if you're like me and need the extra layer, you have some more options. Turtleneck? Swag (never thought you'd hear 'turtleneck' and 'swag' in the same sentence before, did you?). Peter Pan collars? Yes please. Pilgrim collars of epic proportions? Ye rock on. Go crazy and take your pick.

My first layer for this outfit is a denim chambray sleeveless button down.
Now, top it off with something else. This layer depends though on what you chose for your first layer. Still with me? If you decided to say "YOLO" and wear a turtleneck, now is your chance to throw a flannel or cotton button down over it. Did you choose a layer with a huge collar as your first layer? Grab a sweater and make that collar pop. (I'm basically trying to say that if you chose a button down/polo/flannel for your first layer, you can't wear another button down/polo/flannel over the first one... or you can, whatever dude, to each his own.)
Layer #2: Old white sweater over denim button down.

So now you have two layers. If you started with a turtleneck and have since put a flannel/button down over it, you can pick a sweater at layer #3! Or... if you started with a button down (like my outfit recreation), and have already put a sweater over it, you can choose a jacket for layer #3! So many exciting choices, huh? And if you went the first route, turtleneck + button down + sweater, you can still put a jacket over that!!! Crazy, I know.

I know, I know... more denim. But how can you say no to an awesome jean jacket?
So, if you have layered so many pieces that you can barely move your arms anymore, you've got it! The object is basically trying to get you to look like Randy in the movie A Christmas Story (watch the clip from the movie here). When you fall down and can't get up, know that you've achieved total fashion warmth and your winter won't get any better than this. I hope this layering lesson has helped some of you learn to fight the cold the fabulous way, sans-hoodies and thermals. And don't forget to check out The Man Repeller also, for more fashion tips and tricks!

P.S.- add a scarf when venturing outdoors. It ties together the outfit and helps increase your body's inner thermometer's temperature!


American Hustle

First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone's first day of 2014 has treated them well and that the new year brings you all happiness and good health!

And to my main point today, the review and recap of new movie, American Hustle. I'm focusing mostly on the iconic 70's fashion and styling of the film, but all in all the movie was absolutely fantastic and I highly recommend it.
The IMDb blurb for the movie reads, "A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive British partner, Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso. DiMaso pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia" ...but oh my God, it is so much more. It's a complex story of two cons who do what they need to do to survive until they're caught in the act by a passionate and unrestrained FBI agent. The agent requires the two cons work for him in order to pinpoint political conmen and under-the-table deals. A whole lot of shit goes down with tons of laughs and plot twists, all accompanied by an amazing soundtrack. You really, really need to watch this movie! But before I give the entire movie away, I'm going to dive into the best detail, the clothing.

(L to R) Amy Adams as con Sydney Prosser, Bradley Cooper as FBI agent Richie DiMaso, Jeremy Renner as Camden, NJ mayor Carmine Polito, Christian Bale as con Irving Rosenfeld, and Jennifer Lawrence as Rosalyn Rosenfeld.
The star studded main cast (above) packed a huge punch, but they wouldn't be the people that they were without the awesome 1970's styled clothing. 

Christian Bale sported velvet jackets, silk ascots, and a serious comb-over (and not to mention the 70 pounds he had to put on for this role) as Irving Rosenfeld. His character chased after wealth and tried to display its rewards. His iconic suits and ever-present shades helped maintain the look.

Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale sport curled hair and comb-overs.

Amy Adams had probably the most amazing and sexy 70's wardrobe ever. Her deep cut dresses and blouses, huge earrings and sunglasses, and fur coats galore created the con-woman Sydney Prosser-slash-Lady Edith Greensly was. Her "royal connections" in the banking world probably sounded a lot more legit to drooling men then to their skeptical wives.

Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams having a not so lovely moment in the lady's room... but totally overlooked based on their drop dead gorgeous dresses and classic hair do's.

 Bradley Cooper and Amy Adam's outfits for their disco night took my breath away. Bradley's chest exposing button down with gold chains and scarf killed me. And Amy's triangle-top wrap dress, dangly dice earrings, and incredible fur coat screamed posh disco. If there was an iconic 70's scene being represented in 2013, this is it.

 Jennifer Lawrence's character, while providing tons of laughs, was not as glorified for her outfits as Amy Adams was (probably because half of her outfits were silk bath robes and slippers). But Jennifer's piled high do looked as iconic as ever. As much as I don't like Jennifer Lawrence... she did a fabulous job as Irving's unstable wife and mother of their child (poor kid).

If the clothing itself hasn't convinced you yet to go out and see American Hustle... then the soundtrack will. 1970's popular songs on the soundtrack include the likes of Duke Ellington, Elton John, The Bee Gees, and Jack Jones. If the soundtrack doesn't make you tap your feet or nod your head even a little bit, then I feel so bad for you and I hope you get the help you need soon!!!!

American Hustle, A+