
Golden Thoughts During the Golden Globes

"So long as we learn, it doesn't matter who teaches us, does it?" - E. R. Braithwaite

Reality Bites

I have learned more from Winona Ryder than I have from any math teacher throughout the entirety of my educational career.

I'm not kidding.

As I was talking to my dad about the controversy over whether or not actors and actresses should earn as much money as they do, it dawned on me that high school characters from 80s cheesy movies have taught me more about myself and life than many of my teachers.

Watching the Oscars tonight (my favorite night of the year!!) I told my dad how I think all actors deserve every cent of the insane amounts of money they earn from their films because their work reaches everyone and can touch so many people in so many different ways.  Their films tell stories that take people away and transport them to another place, which can also be said about literature but that's not the point.

My dad counteracted with, "What about the teachers?" And I completely agree, teachers are amazing people devoting their lives for bettering the people of the future and they definitely deserve more recognition for their efforts. But I also pointed out, I've probably learned more about growing up and life from movies and characters' stories than I have from most of my teachers, which unfortunately is saying a lot for eleven years of education.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that actors are amazing people doing amazing things and inspiring thousands with a small smile brought to life on the silver screen.

Bravo to all the nominees at tonight's Golden Globe Awards!