
Yay or No Way: Neons for Fall

Lots of major brands are doing the daring, being bold and brashy. They're pulling
out their neons.
This is like one of those red flags crazy Spanish people do when they're trying to
fight bulls (at least their matador jackets can be fashionable). The neons are
making a come back, but what I don't get is:
why in the fall? I'm all for 80's punchy neons and bright pieces, but in my humble
opinion, fall is reserved for darker hues and deeper tints. Why wear neon orange
and look like a crossing guard when everyone and everything around you in
hunkering down for the upcoming winter?
Don't get me wrong, I am all for unique-ness and individuality. But I personally
think that the people I look up too and would die for, have drunk a few too many
pumpkin martini's issuing the new fall season in.
But what do you think?
You all said No Way to floral jeans (which didn't die all too quick believe it or not)
and to the ever present... and ever un-flattering... bohemian skirts. So what do
you think of this new trend?
Is it a hit, or a complete and utter miss?

(Photo featuring Michael Kors and his new fall line in neon colors.)


Your Going To Need A Netflix Account

If you haven't been able to tell by now (your only excuse if you live under a rock or if you go to an all girls school in Idaho...), I'm really into media. Movies, film, television, photography, advertising, ad campiagns, etc. And I expecially like vintage media. Think mid 90's and back. I could have ruled the 80s... just by the way.

So, I decided to put together a little list. My favorite movies and tv shows of the vinyl age (plus, some of the best sleepover-type movies of OUR generation). Start putting together a Netflix queue (like literally, Netflix will satisfy all of your media needs in life, no joke) or find a library or some place that still rents movies out. There are still a few Blockbuster's gripping on some place. And take my advice... WATCH/LISTEN to this stuff! Your going to love it! I swear.... and if you don't, keep going down the list. Don't dispair. At one movie or tv show your going to find your 'click' and totally relate to one of the super quirky stars. I promise.

1. 10 Things I Hate About You
(the spin-off tv show from 2009 was awful..)
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Footloose
(and if you can, watch this before the new one comes out in a week!)
4. The Breakfast Club
5. Never Been Kissed*
6. Say Anything
(if you've seen Easy A, Emma Stone makes a reference to this one in one of her monoluges)
7. Clueless
(hated this the first time I watched it, but I have come to love the girl empowerment, we can do anything schtick)
8. Napolean Dynamite
(2004 but... STILL COUNTS!)
9. Dirty Dancing
10. Beaches
(this was pretty bad actually... but it still has to go in the list)
11. Bring It On
(still a little more current... but Kristen Dunst is awesome so WHATEVER)
12. Mean Girls
(if you haven't seen this movie yet.... well there's a 30% chance you have no life ;)
13. The Princess Diaries
(a little young for us teenagers but its still cute and represents the early 2000s perfectly)
14. She Gets What She Wants
15. Girls Just Want To Have Fun
(again... I'll kill you if you don't watch this)

*I star this because yes it is an iconic 90's Drew Barrymore film... however it royally sucked. Like big time. Majorly.


1. My So-Called Life
(only lasted one season, that fact alone made me cry)
2. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
(wrote a post specifically on Buffy's style back-in-the-day)
3. The Wonder Years
4. Happy Days
5. Freaks and Geeks
(if you don't watch this, I'll kill you. This is probably my favorite... Emma Cusano is going to kill me when she reads this! Haha!)
6. Facts of Life
7. 90210
8. Gilmore Girls
(still airs re-runs, I wish my mom and I were as hip as Lorelai and Rory...)
9. Skins
(if you don't watch the U.K. version of this, don't bother watching it at all.)
10. Degrassi
(still films, but the classic Canadian roots are where to watch it)

1. Zombieland
(although gory, maybe my favorite movie... ever? Tallahasse is a win.)
2. Tin Man
(parts 1, 2, &3)
3. Step Up 2: The Streets
4. The Office
(favorite tv show ever, hands down)
5. Gossip Girl
6. Glee
7. Confessions of a Shopaholic
8. The Stepfather
(thriller/horror, but AMAZING)
9. The Fugitive
(classic Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford in their prime)
10. Jaws
11. Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger
(I have no idea why I like this... it's cheesy with no plot, I just think it portrays teens
and friendship very well... SPOILER: favorite scene, when all four girls are lined up on the
playground assigned a boy to kiss, and Esther has to stand on a box to reach her guy..)
12. Kick-Ass

So there you have it... some very long lists. If you've seen any of these movies/tv shows comment with you feedback, or if there's anything I should add..... :)


Let's Hear It For The Boy

i wish guys still danced like kevin bacon..

Just watched FootLoose starring Kevin Bacon back in his heyday. Watch it, all of you. Now.

Kevin Bacon (Ren) and his gorgoues haired 'love intrest' Lorie Singer (Ariel).

The adrenaline junkie, Ariel, again..

Title sequences...

So I hope you all watch this amazing movie, and boys.. learn some dance moves, please!