
How to Look Hot While Not Being Mistaken for The Common Whore

"Girls Who Go Out" illustration from The Man Repeller

Fashion and style is in the eye of the beholder, what you may deem 'hot', I may deem 'not'. But that's what makes it fashion. If everyone agreed on one look and wore the same thing, style would not evolve.

So, in relevance to my opening style philosophy, I have a short story. My friend walked into school today looking adorable while staying warm (no easy feat). Clad in black motorcycle boots (with gold accents), maroon tights, a black banded skirt, and an oversized black knit ski sweater with white houndstooth details. I gushed over how chic she looked while finding a cute way to fight these freezing temperatures. But as soon as she turned around, one girl called her a "stripper". (Clearly I'm not familiar with the tights and sweaters pole-dancing species.)

This brings me to my overarching question: HOW does one look hot while not being called a "stripper"? I think I may have some answers. (If you have any other obvious solutions, please drop some knowledge in the comments.)

It is so easy to look put together and appealing without wearing dresses and heels. This is especially important to me since I go to school each day and want to look cute... but NOT like the girl who's trying too hard.

My first bit of advice is to wear clothing that you feel comfortable in. The first step to looking good is feeling good, and nothing makes you feel better than being comfortable and confident. If what you feel best in are athletic shorts and sneakers, then go for it (and hello, LuLu Lemon?)! Wear colorful combos, add fun socks, accessorize! You don't need to lose your circulation in tight clothes or wear what other people are wearing to look """""good""""".

My second tip is to be practical. If the latest trends in your area are crop tops and booty shorts, and maybe you're not anorexic or under eighty pounds, DON'T WEAR IT. So many girls think that by wearing what's "hot" makes them automatically "hot" as well, when in fact, you may be doing just the opposite. If you don't have the flattest stomach, then don't highlight it. Own your body and accentuate your highlights, don't emphasize on your negative. Someone smart once said, "Love the body you have while working for the body you want". Remember that the next time you pick up a belly shirt.

Different body types, all "HOT"

I finally come to the """""hot""""" stereotype. Squeezing yourself into bodycon dresses, bustier tops, and skintight leggings does not make you so-called hot. Everybody has their own definition of hotness versus beauty (I rather be beautiful than hot, but that's just me) and everybody is going to perceive you differently. But, my honest-to-goodness advice, is to wear what you want while making yourself look GOOD, not hot. And yes, pull out your banded skirts, your bustier tops and high heels, I'm all for it. But there's a time and place for everything, and making yourself feel good is the truest form of beauty (you can't buy confidence at the makeup store, surprisingly).

To close my argument, I would like to circle back to my friend who was called a "stripper". If wearing what she wanted and what made her look good is a crime, then lock her up. But she wasn't striving to be called "hot", she was making herself happy by dressing well but not pushing the boundaries. She rocked it and now I hope you can too.


  1. "If the latest trends in your area are crop tops and booty shorts, and maybe you're not anorexic or under eighty pounds, DON'T WEAR IT." Don't you think that it's wrong to criticize people for being thin or, say, actually struggling with an eating disorder?

    1. Hi, I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this. In no way do I mean to criticize anyone with an eating disorder, I'm trying to say the opposite. I'm so sorry if I offended.

  2. This is also a very good post which I really enjoyed reading. It is not every day that I have the possibility to see something like this.. hot strippers
