
Recent Obsession with Lanvin

So as I daily update my Tumblr (for link, go to the Where To Find Me section, scroll down on the right), I started realizing that I kept reblogging a lot of Lanvin ads and photos. I started Following their tag, and now I feel like I reblog Lanvin absolutly every day!

It was kind of shocking to become obsessed with a brand before you've even bought any of their clothes. Usually, you buy something then become interested in the brand. This was vice versa for me. I became into them before I had even seen any of their clothes in person. I had heard of them a lot and had seen the hysteria of Lanvin for H&M. But I have never seen anybody in their clothes (remember: teenager growing up in small town in New Jersey.... not many people wearing Lanvin head to toe).

So... some Lanvin for everyone's enjoyment!(=

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